Generally, a customer reported as deceased because a credit bureau, a credit card company, a bank, or the Social Security Administration made a typo or had a computer glitch. The error gets attached to your social security number and is reported to Virginia's Insurance Marketplace when we verify your information with the Social Security Administration.
If this is indeed and error, you can resolve the discrepancy by contacting Virginia's Insurance Marketplace at 888-687-1501 and attest that the report as deceased is in error.
To confirm incorrect identification, consumers may contact Social Security. You can visit or call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY: 1-800-325-0778).
What if I don’t take any action?
This person’s Marketplace coverage will end on the date listed in the notice. You need to complete the steps listed above to make sure this person stays enrolled in their Marketplace coverage.