If you do not have health insurance, you recently lost coverage, or your current coverage will expire in the next 60 days, Virginia's Insurance Marketplace might be able to help!
- If you recently lost coverage, including coverage from your job, you may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) to enroll in coverage through Virginia's Insurance Marketplace. Click the ‘Get Covered’ button on www.marketplace.virginia.gov to get started! If you qualify, your Virginia's Insurance Marketplace coverage can start the first of the month after you apply and enroll.
- If you know you’ll lose coverage within the next 60 days, you can submit an application on www.marketplace.virginia.gov before you actually lose your coverage to ensure you can stay covered throughout the year. For example, if you know you’ll lose coverage on February 28, and you apply and enroll in a plan on February 10, your new coverage will start on March 1.
- If you experience a significant reduction in your income, you may be able to enroll in coverage through Virginia's Insurance Marketplace with financial assistance. Click the ‘Get Covered’ button on www.marketplace.virginia.gov to start the process to see if you qualify.