Individuals who applied for healthcare coverage through Virginia's Insurance Marketplace and were assessed as potentially eligible for Medicaid in Virginia's Insurance Marketplace but were then determined ineligible for Medicaid by the Department of Medical Assistance Services will be sent back to Virginia's Insurance Marketplace. The applicant(s) will then have 90 days to select and enroll into a Marketplace plan.
If the information used to determine Medicaid eligibility is correct, the individual can explore financial assistance and coverage options through the Marketplace.
If the individual disagrees with the Medicaid eligibility determination, they can appeal the decision. All Medicaid appeals must be made directly to the Department of Medical Assistance Services. For information about filing a Medicaid appeal, visit: DMAS Appeals (, or call the DMAS Appeals Division at: 804-371-8488.
Financial savings on the Marketplace can be substantial and nearly 9 out of 10 Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace consumers qualify.
For assistance with an application, or information about financial savings, a Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace customer service representative can help. Call 1-888-687-1501 or visit to find free local help available in your community.