Then, send us one of the following documents:
- Agricultural income certificate
- Alimony received: court order stating alimony amount or signed statement from individual providing alimony with amount and frequency.
- Annuity statement
- Bank or investment fund statement
- Cost of living adjustment letter and other benefit verification notices
- Farm Income (See acceptable proof of “Self-Employment Income” listed above)
- Foreign-Earned Income (See acceptable proof of “Income from a Job” listed above)
- Gambling Income: Form W-2G
- Interests and dividends income statement
- Letter, deposit, or other proof of deferred compensation payments
- Letter, deposit, or other proof of travel/business reimbursement pay
- Loan statement showing loan proceeds
- Military Leave and Earnings statement
- Pay stub indicating sick pay
- Pay stub indicating substitute/assistant pay
- Pay stub indicating vacation pay
- Prizes, settlements, and awards, including court-ordered awards letter
- Proof of bonus/incentive payments
- Proof of gifts and contributions
- Proof of inheritances in cash or property
- Proof of residuals
- Proof of severance pay
- Proof of strike pay and other benefits from unions
- Rental, real estate, royalties, partnerships, S-Corps, trusts: rent checks or rental payment receipts, current lease, signed letter from tenant with monthly rental amount, royalty checks, or financial record of payment from trusts
- Royalty income statement or 1099-MISC
- Sales receipts or other proof of money received from the sale, exchange, or replacement of things you own
- Statement of pension distribution from any government or private source
- Worker’s compensation letter