Step 1: Log-in to your Agency Manager account to the homepage
Step 2: Select the “My Delegations” tab and click “My Dashboard”:
Step 3: From the Dashboard, select “Search Existing Consumers”:
Step 4: The first page of the pre-screener prompts the Agency Manager to verify that they have the consumer’s permission to work with them. First, check the attestation box to verify that you have consent to work with the consumer:
Step 5: Input the consumer’s First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth:
Step 6: Select a Document Type from the dropdown and provide the associated number for the consumer. The purpose of this step is to validate that the agent has the consumer’s consent to work with them.
Document Type dropdown:
Step 7: Select if consent was provided by the consumer via phone or in person. Then select “Continue”:
Step 8: Search for the consumer using one of the two options below. The purpose of this check is to ensure an account with that identifying information is not already created.
Option 1: SSN/DOB Combination
Option 2: Search by First Name/Last Name/DOB combination:
Step 9: After selecting one of the two options above, select “Search.” If the consumer does not have an account already, you will receive a “No match found” message and be prompted to “Start new application” and create a new account for the consumer:
Step 10: You will be prompted to create a new account for the customer. Enter the consumer’s First Name, Last Name, DOB, Zip Code, and Phone Number. The Email field is optional; if consumers add an email address, they will receive an activation link to log-in to their account.
Step 11: The account will be created, and you will receive a prompt to enter the individual’s account view. Select “Individual View” to proceed:
Step 12: You will land on the consumer’s dashboard and can begin taking action on behalf of the consumer, including submitting applications and enrollments. To return to your agent account, select “My Account”.